At QUICKCARE our Occupational Therapy service is led by  qualified professionals with various years of experience.

Occupational Therapy refers to the use of assessments and interventions to develop, restore and maintain skills that allow meaningful everyday activities so you can live life to the fullest. QUICKCARE provides paediatric, orthopaedic and neurological interventions


  • Sensory Integration and Processing
  • Vision Perception Training
  • Visual motor integration training
  • Fine Motor Skills training
  • Handwriting Development
  • Development of literacy and communication
  • Development of Executive Functioning
  • Self Care / Life Skills training
  • Social Skills training


  • Manual trigger point therapy
  • Trigger Point Dry Needling
  • Contracture management
  • Scare tissue management
  • Hand Therapy / rehabilitation
  • Splinting
  • Soft tissue treatment
  • Functional task training
  • Sensory training
  • Pain management
  • Neuromuscular education
  • Elastic therapeutic taping